Domo Beast Mode: Common Calculations

Domo offers a multitude of tools for working with data. One of the most notable tools is Domo’s Beast Mode. Beast Mode allows you to create calculated fields within Analyzer, Domo’s visualization builder. They are easy to create and an incredibly helpful asset for any Domo user to have in their toolbelt.

What is Beast Mode?

Domo Beast Mode calculations are built from code within Domo’s Analyzer tool. The code is similar to SQL but was designed specifically to operate within Domo and to be more intuitive to users without coding experience. Some of the standard SQL functions aren’t supported when making Beast Modes. You can find a list of all available functions in Beast Mode here.

Common Beast Mode Calculations

It can be tough knowing where to begin to leverage Domo Beast Mode. Below we outline two common use cases for Beast Modes: Period-Over-Period Calculations and Categorization Calculations.

Period-Over-Period Calculations

Period-over-period calculations are an excellent way to compare metrics over two different time periods. For example, you might want to know how your sales are trending in the current year-to-date versus the previous year-to-date. You can create a table like the one shown below with Domo Beast Mode calculations.

Domo's Analyzer Interface showing a table created using period-over-period Beast Modes

1. Calculate Sales (YTD)

Start by calculating sales in the current year-to-date using this Beast Mode formula:

        		THEN `Total Sales` 

Save that calculation and name it “Sales (YTD)”.

2. Calculate Sales (Previous YTD)

Calculate sales in the previous year-to-date using this Beast Mode formula:

        		THEN `Total Sales` 

Save that calculation and name it “Sales (Previous YTD)”.

3. Calculate Sales % Change (YoY YTD)

We can calculate the year-over-year percent change easily by referring to our Sales (YTD) and Sales (Previous YTD) calculations in our new percent change formula. Using nested Beast Modes, Domo allows you to refer to previously created calculations in a new calculation by simply entering the names of the previously created formulas.

Calculate the year-over-year percent change in sales YTD using this Beast Mode formula:

((SUM(`Sales (YTD)`)) 
(SUM(`Sales (Previous YTD)`)))
(SUM(`Sales (Previous YTD)`))

Save that calculation and name it “Sales % Change (YoY YTD)”.

You now have everything you need to create a table with Sales (YTD), Sales (Previous YTD), and Sales % Change (YoY YTD) as shown above.

Other Period-Over-Period Calculations

Want guidance on other period-over-period calculations? Check out Domo’s guide to period-over-period Beast Modes.

Categorization Calculations

Domo Beast Mode calculations can additionally be used to categorize or group data. For example, you might have sales data by product (as shown in the graph below) but want to group products into product categories. You might additionally want to group product categories into divisions.

Domo's Analyzer Interface showing a bar graph breaking down sales by product

1. Group Products into Product Categories

Start by grouping your products into product categories using a formula similar to this Beast Mode:


        WHEN `Product` = 'Apple' THEN 'Fruit'
    	WHEN `Product` = 'Banana' THEN 'Fruit'

   	WHEN `Product` = 'Cheese' THEN 'Dairy'
    	WHEN `Product` = 'Milk' THEN 'Dairy'

    	WHEN `Product` = 'Shirt' THEN 'Outerwear’ 
        WHEN `Product` = 'Jeans' THEN 'Outerwear'

    	WHEN `Product` = 'Umbrella' THEN 'Accessory' 
    	WHEN `Product` = 'Hat' THEN 'Accessory'

    	WHEN `Product` = 'Toaster' THEN 'Appliance'
    	WHEN `Product` = 'Blender' THEN 'Appliance'
    	WHEN `Product` = 'Air Fryer' THEN 'Appliance'
    	WHEN `Product` = 'Panini Press' THEN 'Appliance'

    	WHEN `Product` = 'Planter' THEN 'Garden'
    	WHEN `Product` = 'Garden Trowel' THEN 'Garden'
    	WHEN `Product` = 'Potting Soil' THEN 'Garden'
    	WHEN `Product` = 'Garden Shears' THEN 'Garden'

    	ELSE 'Other'


Save that calculation and name it “Product Category”.

You can then create a graph (like the one shown below) that shows a more concise picture of where your sales are coming from.

Domo's Analyzer Interface showing a bar graph breaking down product sales by product category

2. Group Product Categories into Divisions

Using your already created “Product Category” Beast Mode, you can group your product categories into divisions. The Beast Mode formula should be similar to this:


	WHEN `Product Category` = 'Fruit' THEN 'Grocery'
    	WHEN `Product Category` = 'Dairy' THEN 'Grocery'

    	WHEN `Product Category` = 'Outerwear' THEN 'Clothing'
    	WHEN `Product Category` = 'Accessory' THEN 'Clothing'

    	WHEN `Product Category` = 'Appliance' THEN 'Home and Garden'
    	WHEN `Product Category` = 'Garden' THEN 'Home and Garden'

    	ELSE 'Other'


Save that calculation and name it “Division”.

You can then create a graph (like the one shown below) that allows you to see your sales rolled up by division.

Domo's Analyzer Interface showing a bar graph breaking down product sales by division.


Domo Beast Mode is an exceptional tool that can truly help bring your data manipulations to the next level. These are just a few of the Beast Mode calculations you can create.

Interested in what other members of the Domo community are working on in Beast Mode? Check out Domo’s Beast Mode Community Forum.

Want additional help with creating Beast Modes? Contact us today!

Ethan Eversole

Data Analyst